87978797威尼斯老品牌今年开设8门全英文研究生课程,欢迎有兴趣的同学注册或旁听。具体信息见下,如有疑问请联系wzhang0@xjtu.edu.cn 秋季学期: 1. PHYS7401,Solid State Physics, Prof. Wei Zhang and Prof. Oktay Aktas 10-17 week, Monday 3-4, Thursday 3-4, 3rd Middle Building (中三楼) 2337 2. MATL7402,Frontiers of Materials Science, 11 professors 2-9 week, Friday 3-4, 2nd Middle Building (中二楼) 2243 10-17 week, Friday 7-8, 2nd Middle Building (中二楼) 2240 3. MATL7503,Phase Transitions in Solids, Prof. Jian Zhang and Prof. Dezhen Xue 10-17 week, Monday 9-10, Wednesday 9-10, 3rd Middle Building (中三楼) 2357 ...